Each year we begin with a lot of enthusiasm planning what are we going to achieve that year.

Common human nature is to prioritize our new year goals around money, property, personal growth, family commitments and health (not particularly in that order)
However very rarely do we incorporate the bigger picture or matters that seem important in the big world but personally not, as it does not affect us at the moment.
Have we thought and planned that this year we will also be committed to consciously reducing our carbon footprints? Or maybe buying, consuming and reusing items more wisely?
With all that is currently happening around the world (seasonal changes, floods, volcano eruptions, increase in wild fires) if we don’t include being a “conscious consumer “ in our yearly goals, we might soon not get the chance to plan next year resolutions and are future generation surely wouldn’t stand a chance.
Most of us shy away as we are overwhelmed and often confused where to start?
We surely are no pros at this but let’s just say as a family and as a sustainable brand that is conscious about our ecology, we started small and with basics!
Focus on one aspect and grow from there!
In this post we will focus on the fridge and kitchen storage:
"It’s only one plastic" - said 7.7 billion people !!
We were blown away when we looked at our kitchen a year ago and the amount of plastic, disposable products, small food packages, cling wraps that we were using. Hence, we started with just the fridge!
Sustainable Kitchen Fridge Swaps:
1. Grocery bags:
This one may be obvious but I have seen most of the people leaving it at home after buying. Now there are two choices one can make “Next time we will remember “or “Not today let’s come back”. Trust me we did this twice and learnt our lesson!
Now there are reusable cloth/jute bags always in our car and at home.
2. Fridge storage bags:
Once you are at the market with your lovely big grocery bags how do you buy individual produce? Again tearing those tiny plastic bags ?
We got ourselves muslin cloth bags and mesh bags locally. Now these produce bags are in the car in the big carry bag and at home in our fridge for storage, yes it a cost to buy them but its just one time and imagine how much plastic you save with the number of times you do grocery!
3. Food jars:
How do we buy individual spices and pulses? In our household we consume a lot of these, so we take jars to the supermarket! You have to go to the loose spice and pulse section in the middle of the hypermarket, they are more than happy to cooperate.
If no choice we buy huge quantity bags, like rice and flour (5kgs).
4. Reuse single use plastic containers:
First find a suitable use for the plastic storage boxes that you already have. We use them to store small non-food items, toddlers colors and crafts, pins, play dough etc.
5. Replace slowly plastic containers with glass, stainless steel and food grade silicon boxes:
We use a mix of glass and stainless steel for food storage as they don’t stain or smell and can be reheated (glass only) in the same containers.
6. Reduce paper towels:
Use cloth napkins, old towels to clean the kitchen. Paper manufacturing consumes a lot of water hence reducing usage helps reduce wastage.
7. Replace cling film and foil with beeswax wraps:
Storing bread and sandwiches are best wrapped with beeswax wraps. They are made with using pieces of cotton with food-grade beeswax and oil usually jojoba or coconut, keeping food moist and healthy.
There is lot more than many have done or can do but these are just a few that our Tickle Tickle family have implemented for now in food storage and going strong. Yes, there are times where we falter and buy items not supposed too but we consciously work harder to do better next time. This requires a mindset change as a family. A belief that each one of us matter and have a role to play to make a difference.